Saturday, February 28, 2009


Above are some images of Zanthe as she develops into a magnificent Shiloh.

The Puppies

Tiara had 13 puppies and Zoey had 7 making a total of 20 furry little Shilohs! From the two litters I had five girls to choose from and thankfully Vanessa had been assessing these closely. I had to laugh when I was asked which two did I think would be suitable. . . . They were ALL gorgeous and I had no clue as to who was who! 

I was in Brooks for two weeks and the only thing that made it easier to assess them was the fact that many went to their new homes leaving me with less and less puppies to be confused by!! Once Vanessa pointed out the two potential bitches, I could watch them more closely and see why she had chosen them. It was a terrific learning experience.

In the end we chose a black and cream dual puppy originally named "Waffles" from Tiara's litter. She will now be known as Guardian's Tonrar of Meritage or simply Tonrar. The second puppy was from Zoey's litter and we chose "Ariel" who is now known as Guardian's Zanthe of Meritage or Zanthe!


Zoey (Guardian's Zesty Zoey of Solace) would have to be my favorite girl! She is a lively dog and a cat tormentor!! She is also an avid ball chaser and is an extremely alert dog. She is quick to recognize new people and is happy to tell her owners about it too. She also has that wolfie look about her. . . .


Tiara (Guardian's Diamond Tiara-Zion) is the dam of Tonrar. She is a gorgeous grey sable female. She has a very wolfish look about her as can be seen in this image. Here she is obviously out of coat and looking rather 'motherly'.


This is the magnificent Chester (Guardian's Smokin' Winchester). He is a giant goof of a dog with a fabulous temperament. He just loves to toss himself at your feet for a belly rub!
This photo doesn't do him justice because up close and personal he is an awesome dog. I am thrilled to have two lovely girls by him.

Visiting Canada

Once the decision had been made to catch this dream I had to decide the style of dog that appealed to me and then contact those kennels that bred them. This was easier said than done given that I was a relative stranger to the Shiloh Community and I had a lot of work to do in order to become known and for people to have some trust in me.

With some luck and a fair breeze I was fortunate to meet with Vanessa from Guardian Kennels via 'Cyber Technology'. We spoke a number of times and then it suddenly occurred to me that I really should go and make my acquaintance personally. 

Vanessa had two litters of puppies, both sired by her magnificent male, Chester. I loved both dams of these puppies and I really hoped that there might be two suitable girls to come to Australia. Timing was just right and with some careful planning I found myself with an air ticket to Alberta, Canada!

The Beginning

Hello and Welcome to 'Meritage Shilohs - The Journey'

I am based in Hobart, Tasmania in the big country of Australia and have always been involved with animals. I first became fascinated by the Shiloh Shepherd some ten years ago when I 'happened' upon them whilst surfing the web. It was around the time when Artus was being introduced to the gene pool and I followed the story of his litters and breed development very closely. Unfortunately I was not in a position to follow my dream at that time but I did have a wonderful companion whom I likened to a Shiloh. His name was Mayo and he made an enormous impact on my life. We were best mates for 14 wonderful years.

Then, a change in circumstances enabled me to finally pursue my dream of meeting this amazing breed and to introduce these wonderful dogs to Australia.