Well, it is now Saturday the 18th of April and two days ago Canadian time, Tonrar and Zanthe left Calgary for their long journey to Australia. It was an emotional time for Vanessa and knowing that, made it a an emotional time for me! I know that she invested an awful lot in the girls as far as time spent with them and their general health and welfare. And I am lucky that she did indeed leave them at the airport and not scoot home with them!! So a big THANK YOU to Vanessa for being so brave and enabling these girls to come to Australia!!
I used Boomerang Pet Carriers in Calgary (can you believe it? Boomerang?) as my agent of choice and so far the whole export process has been almost seamless. They were very professional and guided Vanessa every step of the way. One of the big tests was when Tonrar and Zanthe arrived in Vancouver for the night and had their paperwork scrutinised prior to departing for New Zealand. All was in good order and the girls are now on their way to Auckland, New Zealand where they will be allowed out of their crates and have a pleasant night at a quarantine facility. This extra leg of the journey was more expensive but would make life much more pleasant for the girls given the shorter flights.
On Monday the 20th April Australia's first two Shilohs will be arriving at Spotswood Quarantine Centre in Melbourne, Victoria. That will be their home for the next four weeks. It seems like a terribly long time but it will go extremely fast!! I will be flying into Melbourne on Friday the 24th to spend four glorious hours with my new 'family'. I will be there for the whole weekend but sadly lack of staff make it impossible to have access to the girls on Saturday and Sunday. Later the following week I have friends popping in to see the girls and ensure that they have time out on the grass!
Then, 10 days later I will be going back to Melbourne, this time I have Thurday and Friday to spend time with them. I have a wonderful friend in Melbourne called Deb and she is very much looking forward to sharing these weekends with me. We will make sure we take lots of photos and share them with every-one following this blogg.
For the above images I would like to thank Heidi Morris for taking the time to visit with Vanessa and take the last photos before the girls left Canada. I would also like to thank Kendra for helping her mum wash these huge pups prior to their departure. Good onya Kendra!!
And so, we await the next chapter of the introduction of Shilohs to Australia!!
The two sisters are looking fabulous. Your brother Arvo says to "behave....in other words do as I say not as I do."
OMG these 2 are just stunning!!
Zanthe is just stunning!!! I fell in love with this gorgeous breed when I met Kerri Gallagher on Redbubble and Reign!! so exciting your bringing this gorgeous breed over to oz,,, im in vic .. I would love to met one of these beautiful babies one day!! looking forward to reading and watching theeir adventures here Cazzie :)
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