Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday 20th of May was a big day!! The Shiloh girls were finally released from quarantine and arrived in Tasmania. I was so excited that I could barely sleep the previous two nighs and work was a blur. But things certainly crystalised at 2 pm when Tonrar and Zanthe landed at Hobart Airport. I walked into the freight department to collect them and there they were, quietly lying in their crates, just waiting. As soon as I called their names Tonrar started barking and both girls were very excited to have company. We did a quick walk to so they could do their business and then it was up into the ute to go home. They had travelled very well but were extremely pleased to get out and have a run. Initially I was a bit concerned about letting them loose but after releasing them individually I decided there was no risk of them taking off.

After a short settling in period I popped their leads on and took them for a long walk. They certainly appreciated that. It was twilight by then and there were lots of interesting smells and the air was crisp, ready for a frosty night.  Poor Shady stayed home on this occasion because I had enough on my hands with the girls without worrying about a little dog. After being introduced to the house, I installed them in their crates for the night. I hope they had sweet dreams and are happy with their new home!!

1 comment:

MaskedMan said...

You do realize, don'tcha, that you're now going to be interrupted regularly on your walks by people whom just have to know what kind of lovely dogs you've got there - yes?